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Wood Fiber Group Merges With USNR

USNR and Wood Fiber Group have announced their merger. USNR is an industry-leading global supplier of sawmill and plywood mill machinery, aftermarket parts, and technical and engineering services. Wood Fiber Group is the largest supplier of cutting tools and filing room equipment to the wood products industry, including brands such as Simonds International, Burton Saw & Supply, BGR Saws, Global Tooling, and U.S. Blades.

The merger announcement stated that the transaction “will create a single company with unmatched product range, capable of delivering complete solutions from project conception, to building/installing processing lines, to supplying the spare parts, technical services, ancillary equipment, and custom-engineered cutting tools that our customers rely on to operate their mills at peak performance.”

USNR is headquartered in Woodland, Wash., while Wood Fiber Group has headquarters in Ridgefield, Wash. Both companies have multiple additional facilities. Wood Fiber Group was formed in 2018 through the merger of Simonds International and Burton Saw & Supply.


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Remembrances Every Five Years

Always one to have fun with numbers, let’s have some fun now. You’ll notice that this issue marks the 46th time Timber Processing has published the Annual Lumbermen’s Buying Guide. That means the first one was published in 1979. So, beginning with 1979, and in five-year intervals, here are some tidbits that were also published in the Buying Guide in those respective years.

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