The importation of softwood lumber and logs to China continues to boom in 2013, as reported in Wood Resources Quarterly. Second quarter numbers are up $600 million from an impressive first quarter that followed a rough 2012. The numbers are also up 30% from the same quarter last year. The total value of imported softwood logs and lumber is now over 2.2 billion dollars, according to Wood Resources Quarterly.
The higher demand for wood products is said to stem from an increase in house-building in the first half of 2013 as compared to the same period in 2012. Year-over-year, investments were up 13 % in residential buildings, and 23 % in commercial buildings, according to recently published official Chinese statistics.
The Chinese log import market, which once was completely dominated by Russia, has evolved the past four years to a more diversified group of supplying countries, as reported in the Wood Resource Quarterly. New Zeland has become the largest softwood log supplier to China, Russia’s presence has diminished, and the U.S. and Canada currently supply 25 % of all logs imported to China. And even though Europe has not had a large presence in the past, in June, European shipments accounted for over 8% of the total lumber imports to China.
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