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May 2021

MAY 2021 Cover: Dempsey Wood Products Isn’t Slowing Down ORANGEBURG, South Carolina – In a time when greenfield southern yellow pine sawmills are popping up like seedlings, Dempsey Wood Products (DWP) has been standing strong in South Carolina at its 32-year-old site....

April 2021

APRIL 2021 Split Cover: — Katerra Has Grip On CLT Manufacture SPOKANE VALLEY, Washington – It takes a lot of time, energy and finance to rewrite the modus operandi of the construction industry supply chain. Just ask Katerra. — Log Yard Grading, Scaling...

March 2021

MARCH 2021 Cover: GP Turns It Up At Albany ALBANY, Georgia – When Georgia-Pacific Lumber decided to build three new sawmills, two at brownfield sites and one completely greenfield, the industry watched closely. Partnered with BID Group, the first two startups were not...

January/February 2021

JANUARY/FEBRUARY  2021 Cover: 2021 Person Of The Year Robert B. Jordan, IV, president and CEO of the Jordan Family of Companies, is the 2021 Timber Processing Person of the Year, 14 years after his father, Bob Jordan, received the annual award, now in its 33RD year....

December 2020

DECEMBER 2020 Cover: Rex Lumber Saw Shop Has Plenty On Its Plate DOTHAN, Alabama – Circle sawing performance and filing efficiency at Rex Lumber are benefiting from a central filing room system that services and works up round saws running at multiple machine centers...

November 2020

NOVEMBER 2020 Cover: Vaagen Bros. Goes All In On Lean COLVILLE, Washington – Duane Vaagen says that over his decades in the lumber business, he’s heard the same thing over and over. It’s a chorus really, when he tours people through his mill: “That won’t work.” He...