The proposed Hardwood Checkoff program is receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from those in the business of growing dependable, high quality timber for the hardwood lumber industry. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has asked for public input on the Checkoff program, particularly soliciting views of those in the hardwood business.
Landowner groups representing thousands of individuals and companies invested in growing hardwood trees across the country have weighed in, focusing on the desperate need to grow US markets, increase profits, and push back on competition. They see the Hardwood Checkoff as being a step towards reaching all of these goals. Here are a few excerpts:
“The proposed checkoff is a thoughtful means to maintain and expand markets for American grown hardwoods. These trees are often among the most valuable for a landowner, thus providing significant income that can be reinvested in the woodlands. …As the softwood checkoff is showing and the paper checkoff is just beginning to show, these research and marketing initiatives are just the kind of thoughtful investments that can help markets grow and prosper. We are confident that the hardwood checkoff is likely to have the same positive impact on demand for hardwood products. And this demand will not only help hardwood companies be more profitable, they will help keep woodlands as forests.” Tom Martin, CEO American Tree Farm, American Forest Foundation
“The U.S. is blessed with the most productive hardwood forests in the world, and family woodland owners like myself grow most of the hardwood logs in America. To do this we have to be able to count on the long term health of the markets with a variety of profitable mills. The majority of the 32,000 members of the National Woodland Owners Association truly enjoy growing top quality logs, but we are very concerned that the United States is continuing to lose markets to fast grown engineered products with attractive plastic wood grains and other laminated products at competitive prices… Just as landowners must make a long-term commitment to produce quality hardwood logs, the hardwood lumber and plywood producers must make the investments in promoting hardwood products. …We strongly endorse approval of the Hardwood Lumber and Plywood Promotion, Research and Information Order.” Keith Argow, President, National Woodland Owners Association
From Forest Business Network: