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Timber Processing Person of the Year

Timber Processing magazine will announce its 32nd annual Person of the Year award in the combined January-February issue. The 2020 Person of the Year will be featured in the issue, and will receive the award plaque during the Timber Processing & Energy Expo to be held September 30 to October 2 at the Portland Exposition Center in Portland, Oregon.

The award involves two primary criteria: leadership in one’s company, and leadership in industry-at-large.

Last year’s recipient was Red Emmerson of Sierra Pacific Industries, based in Anderson, California. The very first recipient in 1989 was Duane Vaagen of Vaagen Brothers Lumber in Colville, Washington. Prior to Emmerson, in 2018 Tommy Battle of Battle Lumber in Wadley, Georgia took home the honor.


Robert Jordan, IV Named Timber Processing Magazine 2021 Person Of The Year

GP’s Fritz Mason Named TP Person of the Year

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