The Issues
Straight from the print magazine, the editors use this column to provide deeper insights into features, provide editorial comments on current events, and maybe even ramble just a little bit. The Issues is your chance to peek into their minds.
99 Years And Counting
Article by David Abbott, Senior Associate Editor, Timber Processing November 2019 – “Gee, ain’t it funny how time slips away,” Willie Nelson sings in what is probably one of the great American songwriter’s less well remembered gems…
At Least, We’re Wiser
Story by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief We appear to be ending 2010 about like we ended 2009—stuck in the housing mud. But as bad as it was...
All The World’s A Stage
Story by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief Are you aware that Timber Processing magazine has gone global? We haven’t publicized this development much,...
Here’s The Pitch
Story by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief I was in a good mood on a recent Friday, thinking ahead to the weekend and planning to watch college...
Housing Trends
Story by Jennifer McCary, Senior Associate Editor As a baby boomer I grew up with certain expectations and accepted truisms. One of them was:...
Old School Reporting Will Return One Day
Story by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief I teach now and then at my undergraduate alma mater, Auburn University, which is only an hour up the...
The Great (Okay, Not So Great) Debate
Story by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has approved ArborGen permit applications for...
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