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The Issues

Straight from the print magazine, the editors use this column to provide deeper insights into features, provide editorial comments on current events, and maybe even ramble just a little bit. The Issues is your chance to peek into their minds.

We’re Learning A Lot About What We Can Do

Article by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief, Timber Processing June 2020 – A special thank you goes out to the nearly 200 softwood and hardwood lumbermen who completed our annual Sawmill Operations & Capital Expenditure Survey…

Is Wood Dust The New Spotted Owl

Is Wood Dust The New Spotted OwlArticle by Dan Shell, Senior Editor, Timber Processing Following tragic and devastating explosions and fires at two...

Nurturing Innovation

You’re in a meeting. The flip chart reflects what everybody already knows—sales are in the tank and the company is close to flatlining. What to do?...

McShan Lumber Gets Better With Age

McShan Lumber Gets Better With AgeArticle by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief, Timber Processing 2012 The cover story of this issue is about a sawmill...

Cersosimo Lumber Knows Wood Energy

Cersosimo Lumber Knows Wood EnergyArticle by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief, Timber Processing (2012) Two of the primary articles in this issue are...

Is There An Oppurtunity Here?

Story by Rich Donnell, Editor-in-Chief In case you’ve forgotten, the U.S. Forest Service does still exist? Many in our industry have forgotten about...


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