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Klausner May Build Third Sawmill In South Carolina

South Carolina’s Bureau of Air Quality approved an air quality and construction permit for Austria’s Klausner, which, through its U.S.-based office, appears to be moving forward with building a sawmill on 248 acres between Rowesville and Orangeburg. An official announcement from the company and the state had yet to be made, as of this writing, but many people expected one to be forthcoming.

Klausner has a North America office in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The company operates two sawmills in Germany, while maintaining headquarters in Tyrol, Austria. Klausner is already planning two build sawmills at Halifax County, North Carolina and Suwannee County, Florida.

The official announcement for the North Carolina plant from Governor Bev Perdue came in late December, which said the plant will create 350 jobs and that Klausner will invest $110 million, and that the project will include state grants from the Job Development Investment Grant and the One North Carolina Fund.

Florida Governor Rick Scott announced in late January that Klausner will build a sawmill in Florida, including a $130 million investment. In total, 14 counties in the North Central Florida region supported the project, according to the governor.

The Florida project is called Klausner Lumber One, while the North Carolina project is Klausner Lumber Two. Those two sawmills, like the one expected to be built in South Carolina, each have a production blueprint of 700MMBF annually. In fact each of the projects appears to be a mirror-image of the others.


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Remembrances Every Five Years

Always one to have fun with numbers, let’s have some fun now. You’ll notice that this issue marks the 46th time Timber Processing has published the Annual Lumbermen’s Buying Guide. That means the first one was published in 1979. So, beginning with 1979, and in five-year intervals, here are some tidbits that were also published in the Buying Guide in those respective years.

Tolko Announces Pino Pucci New President/CEO

After 14 years as president and CEO (CEO) of Tolko, and more than 40 years with the company founded by his grandfather Harold, Brad Thorlakson has transitioned to the role of executive chair of the board. Further to this transition, Pino Pucci has assumed the role of president and CEO.

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