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Hampton Creates New College Tech Endowment

Hampton Lumber & Family Forests is pleased to announce the creation of a Hampton Lumber Scholarship endowment for Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC). The endowment will provide scholarships for students in TBCC’s forestry and manufacturing and industrial technology (MIT) programs. While Hampton already offers undergraduate and trade school scholarships to children, spouses, and domestic partners of employees, the TBCC scholarship is the company’s first public educational endowment.

Hampton has operated a mill in Tillamook since 1986 and was a founding partner in TBCC’s MIT and Associate of Science degree in Forestry program that was launched in 2018 for students interested in transferring to a four-year program in Forestry.

“The TBCC Foundation Board of Directors feels incredibly grateful to strengthen our partnership with Hampton Lumber,” said Britta Lawrence, Executive Director of TBCC Foundation.

Hampton Lumber is a key regional supporter of forest and lumber technology: In addition to the Tillamook sawmill—one of four Hampton mills in Oregon—Hampton also owns roughly 100,000 acres of timberland in northwest Oregon.

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