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Canfor Sells Sawmill, Piece Of Forest Tenure

Canfor Corp. is selling its Mackenzie, BC sawmill and site to Peak Renewables. Canfor also announced it is selling its forest tenure in the Mackenzie region to McLeod Lake Indian Band and Tsay Keh Dene Nation.

“We are very pleased that the sale of the Mackenzie tenure will provide an opportunity for the McLeod Lake Indian Band and Tsay Keh Dene Nation to grow their leadership in the forest economy and advance Nation stewardship values for the benefit of their communities,” comments Don Kayne, President & CEO, Canfor.

Chief Pierre of the Tsay Keh Dene Nation states, “First Nations in BC have been relegated to marginal roles in the forest sector for far too long. The Letter of Intent signed with Canfor has the potential to dramatically change this imbalance within the Mackenzie Timber Supply Area.”


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Remembrances Every Five Years

Always one to have fun with numbers, let’s have some fun now. You’ll notice that this issue marks the 46th time Timber Processing has published the Annual Lumbermen’s Buying Guide. That means the first one was published in 1979. So, beginning with 1979, and in five-year intervals, here are some tidbits that were also published in the Buying Guide in those respective years.

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